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AirPro Deluxe Pond Aerator Kit - up to 3 Acre Ponds

AirPro Deluxe Pond Aerator Kit - up to 3 Acre Ponds


Regular price $2,52449
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Product Description

Sizing Chart: Aerates Ponds up to 3 Acres
Max Depth Recommended Pond Size
5-8 feet  1 Acre
8-12 feet 1.5 Acres
12-50 feet 3 Acres

AirPro Deluxe Kit is a necessity if you want to have a gorgeous and always clean pond. It comes with three Dual Head Air diffusers. The aerator adds and circulates the oxygen your pond needs to maintain a perfect environment for your fish and plants. You can also forget about unpleasant smells; this product will take care of them for you.

The aerator is available in two power variations. You can go for one with 3.6 amps at 115v engine or if you need more than that choose 1.8 amps at 230v. Please note that no electricity goes into the water, so the aerator is safe to use. You can also choose from a variety of accessories provided for AirPro Deluxe Kit.

The aerator is suitable for a deeper pond, and it comes with tubing (300' - 3/8") that ensures an easy installation. The kit is also equipped with detailed instructions that will guide you step by step in the process.

The only maintenance that this aerator need comes down to replacing piston cups every three to five years. You can find repair kits on the website. Also, don't forget to check on your compressor regularly and wash or replace filters from time to time.

Kit Includes:

  • Large Cabinet with fan & oil pressure gauge
  • 1/2 HP Stratus Rocking Piston Compressor w/Sound Shield
  • 300' - 3/8'' weighted tubing
  • (3) Dual Head Air diffusers with check valve and diffuser base
  • 3 Way Valved Outlet
  • Can aerate up to 50' deep
  • 5.1 CFM
  • 3.6 amps @115v
  • 1.8 amps @230v
  • Fittings and clamps
  • In the winter can be used as a de-icer
  • 2-year-warranty!
  • NEW Sound Shield Technology
  • Cabinet Soundproofing included as standard on all steel cabinet kits 


Feel free to call us if you are unsure of what kit to purchase and we will be happy to assist you: 1.888.775.2402

Order Your System Now and Keep Your Pond Clear!

